Overview: Set in the world of Sonic Colors, the story follows Sonic and Tails as they travel to Sweet Mountain with their new friend, a Jade Wisp, to free the captured Wisps from the evil Dr. Eggman and his henchrobots. |
Sonic Colors: Rise of the WispsAir Date: 8/19/2021Imdb:Popularity: 6.349Vote: 5.5/10 (2)Last Aired: 8/26/2021 12:00:00 AMNext Aired:Status: EndedSeasons: 1 - InfoNetworks: YouTube |
Overview: Set in the world of Sonic Colors, the story follows Sonic and Tails as they travel to Sweet Mountain with their new friend, a Jade Wisp, to free the captured Wisps from the evil Dr. Eggman and his henchrobots. |