Overview: Peck's Bad Girl is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from May 5 to August 4, 1959. The series centers on the misadventures of 12 year-old Torey Peck, played by Patty McCormack. |
Peck's Bad GirlAir Date: 5/5/1959Imdb: tt0052500Popularity: 3.954Vote: 0/10 (0)Last Aired: 8/4/1959 12:00:00 AMNext Aired:Status: EndedSeasons: 1 - InfoNetworks: CBS |
Overview: Peck's Bad Girl is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from May 5 to August 4, 1959. The series centers on the misadventures of 12 year-old Torey Peck, played by Patty McCormack. |