Overview: The Tudors is a history-based drama series following the young, vibrant King Henry VIII, a competitive and lustful monarch who navigates the intrigues of the English court and the human heart with equal vigor and justifiable suspicion. |
The TudorsIt's Good to Be King.Air Date: 4/1/2007Imdb: tt0758790Popularity: 107.26Vote: 7.822/10 (729)Last Aired: 6/20/2010 12:00:00 AMNext Aired:Status: EndedSeasons: 4 - InfoNetworks: Showtime |
Overview: The Tudors is a history-based drama series following the young, vibrant King Henry VIII, a competitive and lustful monarch who navigates the intrigues of the English court and the human heart with equal vigor and justifiable suspicion. |