Overview: The Family Holvak is an American drama series that aired on CBS from September, 1975 to June 28, 1977. The series centers on Rev. Tom Holvak, played by Glenn Ford, and his family living in the South during the Great Depression. |
The Family HolvakAir Date: 9/7/1975Imdb: tt0072498Popularity: 7.519Vote: 0/10 (0)Last Aired: 11/9/1975 12:00:00 AMNext Aired:Status: EndedSeasons: 1 - InfoNetworks: CBS |
Overview: The Family Holvak is an American drama series that aired on CBS from September, 1975 to June 28, 1977. The series centers on Rev. Tom Holvak, played by Glenn Ford, and his family living in the South during the Great Depression. |