Overview: Amada Anime Series: Super Mario Bros. is a series of three direct-to-video OVAs produced by Studio Junio, licensed by Nintendo, and released on VHS tapes on August 3, 1989, exclusively in Japan. The plot of the episodes involve characters from the Mario franchise in the stories of three fairy tales: Momotarō, Issun-bōshi and Snow White.
Miyako Endō
Princess Peach, Kinopio, Morton Koopa Jr., Wendy O. Koopa
Toru Furuya
Masaharu Satô
Koopa, Larry Koopa, Iggy Koopa
Naoki Tatsuta
Luigi, Ludwig von Koopa, Roy Koopa, Lemmy Koopa
Toshiko Sawada
Season 1
Más Allá de Tí
Seven Gods, Two Demons
Fra Sydhavn til West Coast
Tyler Perry's Sistas
Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders
The Return
Chewing Gum
مواسم الحب
An Evil Game, A Love Game
La mujer de Judas
Killer Women
Lights Out
Dead of Summer
Fire Country
A Wild Year On Earth
Football Dreams
Total Drama: Revenge of the Island
Fantasy Kaleidoscope ~The Memories of Phantasm~
Mahjong Soul Pon☆
Xuan Yuan Sword Luminary
Mysteria Friends
Meiji Tokyo Renka
Alice Gear Aegis Expansion
Sakura Wars
Merc Storia: The Apathetic Boy and the Girl in a Bottle
Mortal Kombat: Conquest
Maniac Mansion
Pokémon Concierge
I★Chu: Halfway Through the Idol
Yo-Kai Watch Shadowside
Circlet Princess
Grimms Notes: The Animation
Devil Survivor 2: The Animation
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout the Animation