Overview: Young Robin Hood is an animated series produced by Cinar and Hanna-Barbera. The series takes place when Robin is a teenager, Richard the Lion Heart is on his "first crusade" and Robin Hood's father, the Earl of Huntington, joins him. |
Young Robin HoodAir Date: 9/15/1991Imdb: tt0202207Popularity: 7.16Vote: 7/10 (4)Last Aired: 9/15/1991 12:00:00AMNext Aired:Status: EndedSeasons: 2 - InfoNetworks: |
Overview: Young Robin Hood is an animated series produced by Cinar and Hanna-Barbera. The series takes place when Robin is a teenager, Richard the Lion Heart is on his "first crusade" and Robin Hood's father, the Earl of Huntington, joins him. |