Eyes of the Serpent
The serpent is the sword of salvation.
Imdb: tt0109764
Tmdb: 252264
Popularity: 2.377
Vote: 3/10 (2)

In an ancient land called Tag-Mur, two sisters fight over control of two magic swords known as the Eye of the Serpent. The evil sister, Corva, rules viciously and violently from a dark and cold castle. The other sister, Neema, valiantly tries to raise an army to take back her father's castle. Neema's daughter is caught in between believing in the great magic and trusting that peace will return to her land. Corva's daughter is a hedonist who believes in achieving her own sado-masochistic pleasure. Into this web of women arrives the Lancelot-like Galen, proving himself a great swordsman. Soon Neema and her daughter enlist Galen's help in raising and training an army.