The story of the short life, and brutal gang rape and murder in Delhi in December 2012 of an exceptional and inspiring young woman. The rape of the 23 year old medical student by 6 men on a moving bus, and her death, sparked unprecedented protests and riots throughout India and led to the first glimmers of a change of mindset. Interwoven into the story line are the lives, values and mindsets of the rapists whom the film makers have had exclusive and unprecedented access to interview before they hang. The film examines the society and values which spawn such violent acts, and makes an optimistic and impassioned plea for change.
Asha Devi
Herself, Jyoti Singh's mother
Badri Singh
Himself, Jyoti Singh's father
Himself, Jyoti Singh's tutor and close friend
Mukesh Singh
Himself, rapist
M.L. Sharma
Himself, defence lawyer for the rapists
Vinay Sharma
Himself, convicted of Jyoti Singh's rape and murder
Pawan Gupta
Himself, convicted of Jyoti Singh's rape and murder
Akshay Thakur
Himself, convicted of Jyoti Singh's rape and murder
A.P. Singh
Himself, defence lawyer for the rapists
Leila Seth
Herself - Former Chief Justice Member of Rape Review Committee
Maria Misra
Herself, writer and historian, Oxford University, Keble College
Sandeep Govil
Himself, prison psychiatris
Raj Kumar
Himself, police officer
Rashmi Ahuja
Herself, gynecologist, Safdarjung Hospital
Pramod Kushwa
Himself, Deputy Commisioner of Delhi Police
Pratibha Sharma
Herself, sub-inspector, Delhi Police
Ram Singh
Himself, main suspect of Jyoti Singh's rape and murder (archive footage)
Kavita Krishnan
Herself, secretary, All India Progressive Women's Association
Usha Saxena
Herself, Delhi resident
Shambavi Saxena
Herself, Delhi resident
Gopal Subramanium
Himself, lawyer, Justice Verma Committee
Sonia Gandhi
Herself, Indian National Congress (archive footage)
Amod K. Kanth
Himself, Prayas Juvenile Aid Centre
Sheila Dixit
Herself, Chief Minister of Delhi 1998-2013
Clouds of Sils Maria
Polite Society
Dyke Hard
Afghan Cycles
The Pacifier
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Blade Runner 2049
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Forrest Gump
Green Book
The Killing of a Sacred Deer
Sharknado 2: The Second One
City of the Living Dead
The Witch
Sea the Truth
Casa Roshell
Spell Reel
Whose Is This Song?
The Colour of Olives
My America... or Honk If You Love Buddha
France / Tour / Detour / Two / Children
The Phantom of the Operator
Profilers: Gaze Into the Abyss
School of Babel
Friends of God: A Road Trip with Alexandra Pelosi
The Beatles: The First U.S. Visit
Pariah Dog
Come and Work
Daddy I Do
The Murmuring
The Karma Killings
Depeche Mode 101
The War Room
In Free Fall
woman director