Mystic Rhythm
A young boy is whisked away in a dream by a drifter to the land of Imaginarium where he finds the secret to the Mystic Rhythm that changes his life.
Imdb: tt11746974
Tmdb: 678477
Popularity: 0.071
Vote: 5/10 (2)

From the visionary mind of C.G. Ryche comes Mystic Rhythm - a theatrical concert experience to film and music.A Drifter comes to a young boy in a dream and transports him to the mystic land of Imaginarium, a world of Music, Rhythm and Imagination. It's here the young boy is encouraged to pursue our dreams and learns the secret of the Mystic Rhythm. Which is the heartbeat of all mankind which reminds us, that we are purposeful and are beautifully and wonderfully made.