Hadi El Gayar
Birthday: 10/15/1949
Gender: Male
Place Of Birth: Egypt

Hady El Gayar is an Egyptian actor. He studied acting at the High Institute of Theatrical Arts. His breakthrough came with his role in the popular play “Madraset Elmoshaghbeen” (School of Rowdies). He appeared in numerous television series, including “Almal wal Banun” (Fortune and Progeny), “Elraya Elbeida” (The White Flag), “Alnawares wal Soqur” (Albatrosses and Falcons). His notable film roles include those in “Thom Tashreq Alshams” (Then The Sun Rises) (1971) and “Ihtares Esabet Alnisaa” (Watch Out for the Women's Clan) (1986).