The End of Darkness
Show: Legendary Gambler Tetsuya --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 1/20/2001
Runtime: 23
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Going into the third and last game, the score was even. Innami was able to see all the tiles in Tetsuya's hand, and was convinced that he will win the game. But then, Tetsuya took advantage of Innami being a lefty, and managed to trap him with a daisangen! It could be said that the real blind spot was in Innami's conceited mind, as he neglected to use his All-Seeing Eye at a crucial moment. Tetsuya watched as the first true gambler he ever met, disappeared into the pitch black darkness… This was the last time Tetsuya would ever see Innami again.