Forest Finds: in the Weeds in NASCAR Country!
Show: Roadkill's Junkyard Gold --> Season: 2 - Season 2
AirDate: 7/12/2019
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Steve Magnante is at Vic’s Classic Auto Parts & Cars in South Carolina, fighting the dense overgrowth to uncover a Pontiac that needs its head examined (cylinder head, that is), a law-enforcing Plymouth that the Blues Brothers would have loved, a Ford whose doppelganger was Gone in 60 Seconds, and a Dodge Dart with a ’60s surfer theme. Bonus goodies include an M&H Racemaster–wearing Chevy that's frozen in time and an Imperial with a rum-running past. It's all here right now on Roadkill's Junkyard Gold!