February 18, 2022
Show: The Damage Report with John Iadarola --> Season: 5 - Season 5
AirDate: 2/18/2022
Runtime: 72
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: A New York Judge rules Donald Trump must testify in Leticia James’ investigation | New data finds $3.7 million more kids have fallen into poverty without the child tax credit | Democrats blame The Squad for the party’s low approval numbers | A former MadTV actress turned MAGA activist terrorizes a Santa Clarita townhall meeting | John Durham distances himself from Fox’s frenzied coverage of his court filing | Elon Musk tweets, then deletes, a meme comparing Justin Trudeau to Hitler | Researchers discover support for vaccine mandates goes up if the word “mandates” isn’t used | Find out who John, Brett, and you (yes, you!) picked as the Garbage Person of the week