February 22, 2022
Show: The Damage Report with John Iadarola --> Season: 5 - Season 5
AirDate: 2/22/2022
Runtime: 82
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Vladimir Putin sends troops into separatist regions of Eastern Ukraine | Neil Cavuto returns to Fox after narrowly surviving a second bout of Covid | Researchers discover support for vaccine mandates goes up if the word “mandates” isn’t used | Florida Senator Rick Scott unveils a truly unhinged policy document | A new study finds a link between “Stand Your Ground” laws and gun homicides | California officials hunt down a 500 lb bear breaking into homes near Lake Tahoe | U.S. women's soccer players reach an agreement with the sport’s governing body | Columbia becomes the latest Latin American country to decriminalize abortion | Polling finds widespread support for nuclear weapons among South Koreans | Dramatic video captures the moment a Turkish boy falls through a storage hole | A Finnish skier reveals his penis almost froze during an Olympic event