January 10, 2022
Show: The Damage Report with John Iadarola --> Season: 5 - Season 5
AirDate: 1/10/2022
Runtime: 71
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: A building fire in the Bronx leaves 19 dead. AOC tests positive for Covid-19. Researchers in Cyprus discover a “DeltaCron” covid variant. Senator Ossoff introduces legislation to ban congressional stock trades. Data reveals US emissions are up after a pandemic dropoff. Video shows a LA train obliterate a crashed plane stalled on the tracks. A Texas mother is charged with child endangerment after putting her Covid-positive son in the trunk of her car. Novak Djokovic is allowed entry into Australia. A South Korean presidential candidate proposes government funding for hair loss. Dozens of ostriches run through the streets of China after escaping from a farm.