Pirates of the Caribbean Pitch Meeting
Show: Pitch Meeting --> Season: 5 - 2021
AirDate: 2/7/2021
Runtime: 5
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Step inside the pitch meeting that led to The Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl! Before Disney turned it into a massive franchise of blockbuster movies, Pirates of the Caribbean was just a slow-moving boat ride attraction at their Disney parks involving looking around at pirates and ships and whatnot. Somehow, that served as the inspiration for a massive series of adventure movies starring Johnny Depp and the rise of one of the most recognizable movie characters of all time: Captain Jack Sparrow. The Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl is a fantastic adventure movie, but does raise some questions though. Like doesn’t Will hesitate to throw an axe at a pirate’s back when he didn’t throw his sword at Jack just a few minutes earlier? How are all these people’s massive concussions? Was that moonlight really just hitting one spot in the whole town? Why did the entire crew of a ship abandon it completely? Why is there a cowboy here?