The Meeting
Show: P.O.W. Bandi Yuddh Ke --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 11/14/2016
Runtime: 30
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Imaan is having a hard time connecting with his daughter and needs advice on this. He approaches Salim as he can think of no one else who can help him in this regard. He tells Salim the problems he is facing in connecting with his daughter Shaira after 17 years of imprisonment and asks for his help. Meanwhile, Sartaj is also trying to connect with his wife Harleen. She gets drunk and Sartaj carries her in his arms to bed. Will they be able to reconnect with their families easily? Vikram, on the other hand, is working hard to decode the morse code Sartaj and Imaan are using. He goes to Ayaan’s college in hope of meeting someone who will be able to help him. Will he find what he is looking for?