Art Deco Studio Apartment
Show: Design on a Dime --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 3/10/2003
Runtime: 30
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Expectant parents James and Anne Saxenmeyer need to convert a crowded office into a stimulating and eclectic nursery. Our design team will need to replace the office furniture with baby furniture, add color to the dull white walls and keep in mind the eclectic Asian style the couple has in the rest of their home. As the transformation gets underway, Charles paints abstract blades of grass and geometric dragonflies over the purplish-blue backdrop Sam chose, creating a magical garden. Sam strings an origami butterfly mobile across the ceiling. The team fills the room with Danish modern furniture and functional lighting. Our team transforms a dull office into a bright and stimulating nursery for a new baby boy for their goal of $1,000.