Episode 19
Show: Fly with Me --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 5/13/2010
Runtime: 45
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: BIN gets onto YIN’s plan and plays some tricks to tell YIN that she has no weakness. She also plays some tricks to let NGA thinks YIN has another woman. YIN is accused of unnecessary use of authority and being suspended his job. YIN is so upset and even angry on NGA. They finally divorce. In order to attack the same enemy, SZE finds NGA. CHI realizes YIN uses him to investigate BIN. She is so sad and does not want to see anyone. She gets mad when seeing the police. In order to help CHI getting back her confidence, he brings CHI to see YIN. YIN scolds CHI for cheating him about BIN’s weakness. CHI finally gives up her hope about YIN. CHI’s family uses HIN and plays mahjong with CHI so as to giving her more confidence. However, CHI gambles a lot and even loans from the underground loaner. BIN wants to celebrate HIN’s birthday but HIN just thinks about CHI’s loan. BIN blames HIN for not appreciating her arrangement……