A New Diverse Cuisine
Show: Rachel Khoo: My Swedish Kitchen --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 9/19/2019
Runtime: 25
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: In this week’s episode, I visit the diverse Southern city of Malmo. Sitting across from Copenhagen, Malmo has a rich immigrant population which adds to its eclectic food scene. Falafel is almost considered Malmo’s national dish (and is as Swedish as meatballs these days!). It’s a unifying dish that’s perfect for all diets and cultures. Inspired by the diverse food culture of Malmo, I make a fusion of falafel and veggie meatballs. Meatballs are so popular in Sweden – from the nursery, school canteens, at work and in the home – and have become a go-to meal in my recipe book.