A Vietnamese Star in Hokkaido Part 2
Show: A*B*C Tours --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 11/7/2018
Runtime: 15
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: We continue our trip to Hokkaido Prefecture with Phuong Anh Dao, star of the hit Vietnamese film Summer in Closed Eyes. First to Biei and its famous multicolored patchwork crops and 15-hectare flower fields. Here, Anh Dao has a korokke taste test. Next, to Higashikawa, famous for a shrine that's over 120 years old, an eatery featuring fresh local cuisine, and clear mountain water used to make tofu, coffee and more. Finally, to Mt. Asahidake for a ropeway ride and a scenic climb to cap off the trip.