A Thai Rock Star in Yamaguchi & Fukuoka Part 2
Show: A*B*C Tours --> Season: 2 - Season 2
AirDate: 12/18/2019
Runtime: 15
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: CLASH, a rock band from Thailand, set the music video for their song "LONELY" in Yamaguchi Prefecture and Fukuoka Prefecture. This time, we travel with Bank, the lead singer of CLASH, on a tour highlighting both prefectures' great local food, scenery and music. On day 2, the castle town of Kokura, where Bank tries on a kimono, experiences the city's long taiko drum tradition and visits a food market. Next, a taste of Kitakyushu's high-tech robot industry. Finally, we wrap up with a look at some great scenery.