A Chinese Star in Tokyo & Beyond Part 2
Show: A*B*C Tours --> Season: 3 - Season 3
AirDate: 2/26/2020
Runtime: 15
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: We continue our trip to Tokyo and neighboring Kanagawa Prefecture and Chiba Prefecture with An Yuexi, the star of hit Chinese series "Whirlwind Girl 2." First, to Kashiwa, Chiba, and a 1,200-year-old temple where you can hear sutras. Next, to Takadanobaba in Tokyo for an authentic tea ceremony. After that, it's Asakusa, one of Tokyo's most popular tourist spots, where we attempt to break roof tiles, then try making a special type of sushi. To finish up, we hang out on a terrace and enjoy the Asakusa night view.