Officially Enemies
Show: Devil In Law --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 1/23/2023
Runtime: 68
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: After finding out that Srikanda's mother-in-law, Madame Nuan, played a part in her sister's death, Pawinee declares herself enemies with Madame Nuan. Noppanai, Pawinee's brother-in-law, doesn't realize his mother's wickedness and failed to protect Srikanda. Pawinee decides to marry Noppanai for revenge, presenting herself as Madame Nuan's new daughter-in-law. Madame Nuan almost doesn't believe her own ears, but there's nothing she can do besides proving to Pawinee that it's not easy to survive as her daughter-in-law.