The Events: How to Control the Nation
Show: Derren Brown: Trick of the Mind --> Season: 0 - Specials
AirDate: 9/18/2009
Runtime: 30
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Derren demonstrates his astonishing powers of persuasion before an invited audience and then invites the nation to join in a very special television event that will have you on the edge of your seat. Derren takes his baffled volunteers through an amazing series of psychological experiments that reveal the myth, mystery and power of mind control. He reveals the secrets behind subliminal imagery, the science of perception without awareness, how to dominate the minds of strangers using low frequency sounds and control human behaviour by subtly reshaping our environment. For the finale of the show Derren talks live to viewers at home. Can Derren control the minds of the entire nation?