Episode 106
Show: Derren Brown: Trick of the Mind --> Season: 1 - Series 1
AirDate: 5/28/2004
Runtime: 30
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Street Work: Repeatedly identifying the finger thought of by a member of the public, having the subject tell how many fingers Derren is holding up out of sight. Predicting words given by a psychologist during a word dissociation game. Final prediction of a free choice word. Derren stopping woman walking across a room by clenching his fist out of her sight. Woman stopping pedestrian walking past the window by clenching her fist. Derren correctly predicting 'secret' drawing from a dissociated drawing (like the word dissociation game) drawn by the psychologist. Derren predicting item to be selected from a supermarket by a supermarket designer with a label on his back. The route around the supermaket had also been predicted on an envelope sent earlier in the week.