Episode 7
Show: Crossroads --> Season: 1 - (2003) season 1
AirDate: 1/21/2003
Runtime: 30
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Lola and Belle spend all night out, when they get home they jump in to the Jacuzzi but this is short lived after Betty catches them! They have to get in there uniform and straight to work which there not happy with, they spend most of there time just looking through the guests room and raiding the mini bar!!! Angel has a nightmare that Max will leave her, and then she has a real nightmare when she finds out whom Kate has employed!! Scott is playing truant from his new school and decides to have a chat with Vince! He wants to know why Vince is so horrible to his mum and once they've sorted that out they have a little heart to heat about life in general!! Beena is spreading rumours about the mystery surrounding Jeff and his son Toni. She talks to Cleo who thinks that they are very nice but it doesn't stop Beena! Jimmy chats to Belle in his parent's apartment but she is more interested in eating their biscuits! She then decides to fall a sleep on their sofa while Jimmy is still chatting