Episode 389
Show: Virtues Of Harmony II --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 10/28/2004
Runtime: 22
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: ATHENA and ROGER fall into the swimming pool while they are struggling with each other. SARAH calls up ATHENA after breaking up with ROGER. ATHENA sends KITTY to meet with SARAH, who is moved to see her. ATHENA breaks ROGER’s beloved ping-pong bat, and ROGER threatens to dismiss her. She agrees to help him get back with SARAH. She demands that MARCO, FRANCIS and LAU KAM work with her to pull ROGER and SARAH back together. Luckily, they succeed. MARCO, FRANCIS and LAU KAM receive a warning letter from the company while they are having breakfast, so they rush back to the office.