Zhuge Liang's Life is Threatened
Show: Koihime Musou --> Season: 1 - Koihime Musou
AirDate: 9/9/2008
Runtime: 25
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: The kingdom of Wu under Queen Sonsaku has been rapidly expanding it territory's. While their wars has made them famous abroad, at home it has cause concern to Princess Sonken and some nobles who fear these wars may destroy the kingdom. At a banquet, Sonsaku secretly reveals to her strategist & lover Shuyu, that her actions were the last wishes of her late mother Sonken. She wishes to unite the country and later abdicate the throne in favor of her sister Sonken who she knows will heal the damage her wars has cause to the nation. At the same time, a group of nobles led by Choushou, launches a plan to end Sonsaku reign. Meanwhile, Aisha group has arrive at Wu where Shōren is scolded by her aunt Sonsei for running away. Sonsaku thanks them for taking care of her sister by having them stay overnight. The next day, Aisha, Rinrin, Shōren goes on a hunting trip accompany by Kannei. While alone, Aisha notices Sonsaku on her balcony from a top of a hill. When they return, Aisha is arrested by Sonken orders. When they were away, Sonsaku was shot by a poison arrow and is now in a coma. According to the witnesses, the arrow came from the same hill Aisha was at and they believe she was the culprit since she was there and there wasn't anyone who was with her to prove she wasn't the one who did it. Kōmei counter the claim and believes Kannei is a suspect since she too was alone during that time and she could have a motive since a vassal is more likely to kill her master rather than a stranger. Before the insulted Kannei can harm Kōmei, Shuyu manages to stop her and tells Sonken to let Aisha go since there is no proof she done it and Sonken is acting base on her feeling. Later that night, an assassin tries to kill the unconscious Sonsaku who suddenly tells the assassin to stop who is reveal to be Sonsei. Her attempt on her life at balcony was actually an act to catch the dissenting nobles with Aisha unfortunately being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Choushou, the leader of the dissenter is reveal to be working with Shuyu and Sonsaku and was secretly getting the names and proof of the collaborators. Sonsei reveals that she and the dissenters felt the blood shed from her wars has cause so much damage that it will come back to haunt the family which Sonsaku responds she knows since her acts are for the betterment of the kingdom and has her aunt arrested. Kōmei, Aisha and Rinrin leaves on a ship on the Yangtze River before Shōren, Rikuson and Sonken who came to apologize to Aisha sees them off. Before everything ends, Kōmei points that all that incident seemed to be planned by somebody else. Shuryu then reveals herself to Rikuson as the author of that whole scenario, and ask her about her thoughts about Koumei. Rikuson thinks that Koumei will be quite a great strategist someday, and she looks forward to see her in the future, while Shuryu says that someday maybe she'll stands in their way.