Guan Yu Meets Liu Bei
Show: Koihime Musou --> Season: 1 - Koihime Musou
AirDate: 9/16/2008
Runtime: 25
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Aisha walks out of the cave that she Rinrin and Shuri slept where she finds herself in battle between Bandits and Militias. Immediately both she and Rinrin fight the off the bandits which forces the bandits to retreat. After the battle, the commander of the Militia's introduced himself as Ryūbi (Real name Gentoku) and thanks the girls for their help. He realize that Aisha is the Black hair Beauty bandit Fighter which at first she thinks he will question her beauty and is surprised and embarrassed when he says the stories of her beauty are true. At the village of Touka, the feudal lord explain how Ryūbi who claims to be a descendant of Liu Sheng, with his followers came to his village to help them fight against the bandits which he agree by helping him form an army. Unfortunately Ryūbi's army was defeated 7 times which at one point the lord was thinking of kicking him out the village should he lose again. With Aisha and Rinrin fighting skills and Shuri's strategies, Ryūbi army are defeating the bandit armies. Aisha is enamored with Ryūbi ambitions to save people from misery and his resemblance to her late brother. While the girls were searching for medical herbs, Shuri finds a special plant and plucks it and is scared to find underneath the plant, an almost dead Bachō. While recovering, Bachō explain that she accidentally ate a poisonous mushroom which sent on her on hallucinatory trip until she fell on the spot the girls found her and would have died if she wasn't found. Following Shuri's advice, the lords mansion is fortified with watchtowers and a ditch surrounding it. Rinrin makes friends with the village children and learns from them the village name comes from the peach blossom trees growing here. At the same time, Sei, Kōchū and Riri travels to Touka after hearing about their friends exploits there.