New Zealand: Sauvignon Blanc
Show: The Thirsty Traveler --> Season: 3 - Season 3
AirDate: 10/10/2005
Runtime: 30
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Catch a Kiwi If You Can New Zealand has long been famed for its stunning, unspoiled landscape. And equal to the international acclaim for its beauty is that for its fine wines. Here in the land next door to the Land Downunder, climate, geography and human skill have combined to produce highly distinctive, premium quality wines, such as their Sauvignon Blanc - now considered the world benchmark. Of course, you can count on the Thirsty Traveler to meet up with a few colourful Kiwi characters who will help him explore the very best of New Zealand's wonderful wines - and the best from the Kiwi kitchen.