Vox Populi
Show: The Dumping Ground --> Season: 5 - Season 5
AirDate: 3/10/2017
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Tyler discovers his dreams don't match reality when he has a work experience day at a radio station. Hoping to uncover crime, Tyler finds he's nothing more than an office dogsbody. But his nagging wins out and he plunges into a murky world of dodgy developers, bullying and broken gnomes, but he learns a harsh lesson not to jump to judgement about a story before he hears both sides. Back at Ashdene Ridge, Finn has an encounter with a 'hobgoblin' and Chloe unwittingly puts herself forward to speak at a local meeting to save the skate park. Her opposition? The DG's nightmare neighbour, Mr Umbleby.