The Bingham Townhouse
Show: Four in a Bed --> Season: 11 - Season 11
AirDate: 10/26/2016
Runtime: 30
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Nigel and Pok U Regan cultivate an east-meets-west atmosphere at their B&B and Cantonese restaurant, the Bingham Townhouse in Nottinghamshire. Their guests aren't all happy when they arrive, with Andrew and James unsure about sleeping in single beds. Later, Kev and Tor's focus and meditation skills are tested when the group are challenged with an archery competition. Alison and Lynda are staggered when they find out that Nigel bought the B&B on a whim, and have a bad taste in their mouths when he calls them 'sweet and sour'. At breakfast, Nigel struggles to run a smooth service, and Andrew and James' lack of sleep results in some disappointing feedback for Nigel and Pok U.