Burning Questions
Show: Dr. G: Medical Examiner --> Season: 2 - Season 2
AirDate: 9/16/2005
Runtime: 60
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: After a night of drinking, a 23-year-old man is found dead in a burning car in a parking garage. Since the man was not able to get out of the car, investigators hypothesize that he was dead or unconscious when the fire started. Dr. G and crime scene investigators work to find out how the man died and who or what started the fire. A 58-year-old man suffering from kidney failure dies in the hospital with his ex-wife by his side. The hospital marks the cause of death as kidney disease, but the man’s roommate claims that he was strangled by his ex-wife. Dr. G must either confirm or deny the roommate’s accusations.