Breath-Hold Bungee
Show: The Challenge --> Season: 6 - Battle of the Sexes
AirDate: 1/27/2003
Runtime: 21
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: We start off finding out that the next mission will be tomorrow and they need to wear swim-suits and sunscreen. We also learn that Puck's son Bogart and future wife Betty will be arriving tomorrow aswell. We then see David and Ayanna talking, sharing everything about eachother, and just growing closer. They both love how they have clicked with eachother and look foward to what the future has for them. Bogart and Betty arrive, they stay up in in a tree-house bedroom above the villas. Puck and Betty go on to tell how they met 6 years ago in a pet store. Puck lets Betty know that Ellen is getting on his nerves and she'd better watch out. The teams all meet Bogart and believe he's the cutest kid around. Tonya and Ellen go off about how disgusted they are with Puck's behavior. The teams are off for their next mission. The girls are up two missions to one and the guys are determined to get this game tied. They learn the next mission is ""Breath-Hold Bungee"".