Establishment of Ge Lv Shi Audio Company
Show: Tian Dao --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 6/1/2008
Runtime: 42
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: The Ge Lv Shi Audio Company is established, with Ouyang Xue, Feng Shijie, Ye Xiaoming, and Liu Bing becoming shareholders. At a shareholders' expansion meeting in Wangmiao Village, attended by the shareholders of Ge Lv Shi and the villagers, everyone places their hopes on Ding Yuanying. This alerts Ding Yuanying to potential dangers, leading him to advise that only through enduring hardships and possessing perseverance beyond ordinary capacity can one achieve extraordinary success. He emphasizes that there are no saviors; one must save oneself. Ding Yuanying's plan acts like a tonic for Wangmiao Village, revitalizing it from its previously somber state, and the impoverished villagers begin working with renewed vigor. Seeking peace of mind, Ding Yuanying and Han Chufeng agree to visit Mount Wutai together. En route, Ding Yuanying shares his detailed "rob the rich to help the poor" plan with Han Chufeng, leaving him astounded.