Xiao Yawen Purchases Company Shares
Show: Tian Dao --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 6/1/2008
Runtime: 42
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Xiao Yawen proposes to Ouyang Xue to buy the shares Ye Xiaoming and others have abandoned, aligning perfectly with Ouyang Xue's wishes. Xiao Yawen visits Wangmiao Village to film the production process for evidence gathering. Through conversations with Xiao Yawen, Ding Yuanying confirms her capability to take over the management of Ge Lv Shi Company. Rui Xiaodan, witnessing the entire journey of Ge Lv Shi Company from its formation to handling the lawsuit from the music giant company, begins to ponder over what constitutes a myth, salvation, and cultural attributes. She has many questions she's eager to clarify. In the course of drinking and chatting with Ding Yuanying, Rui Xiaodan finally decides to follow Ding Yuanying's advice given two years ago. She designs a life model for herself after resigning.