Rui Xiaodan's Sacrifice
Show: Tian Dao --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 6/1/2008
Runtime: 42
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: In gratitude for the cooperation of the Qin Gu County Public Security Bureau's Criminal Police Team, Zeng Hua, Huang Wenxian, and Rui Xiaodan plan to treat the team to a meal. Captain Wang's mother needs a ride home from the hospital, and Rui Xiaodan volunteers to take them. On the way back to the county town, they encounter the wanted criminal Huang Fuhai and his accomplices. Realizing the potential for sacrifice, Rui Xiaodan, as a police officer, knows her duty is to combat crime, and she doesn't have the luxury of avoiding danger. She calls Ding Yuanying to bid farewell, and facing this call, knowing that her fate is sealed, Ding Yuanying falls silent. After informing the branch office of the situation and requesting backup, Rui Xiaodan turns off her phone. After a fierce psychological and physical struggle, three criminals are subdued—two dead and one injured—but Rui Xiaodan is critically wounded and disfigured in an explosion.