Ding Yuanying Misunderstood
Show: Tian Dao --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 6/1/2008
Runtime: 42
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: No one can understand the silence on Ding Yuanying's end of the phone call. Everyone suspects and accuses him of insincerity in his feelings towards Rui Xiaodan. He finds himself misunderstood and unforgiven. Rui Weifeng, in particular, is so angered by that phone call that he forbids Ding Yuanying from attending Rui Xiaodan's funeral arrangements. Rui Xiaodan's memorial service is held at the Qin Gu County funeral home. Rui Weifeng instructs Xiao Yawen not to reveal Rui Xiaodan's gravesite to Ding Yuanying, but Xiao Yawen disagrees, criticizing Rui Weifeng for not understanding Rui Xiaodan and relying solely on his paternal authority. Rui Weifeng leaves in a rage. The music giant company's lawsuit loss becomes a reality, and before the court's verdict, Lin Yufeng drives to Han Chufeng, demanding Ding Yuanying's address in the ancient city.