Ouyang Xue Troubles Ding Yuanying
Show: Tian Dao --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 6/1/2008
Runtime: 42
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Rui Xiaodan visits Ye Xiaoming, who runs a Hi-Fi audio store in the ancient city, asking him to create a set identical to Ding Yuanying's audio system. Astonished upon seeing the described system at Ding Yuanying's house, Ye Xiaoming observes it reverently. After a trial listen, he believes Ding Yuanying is a true enthusiast. Learning that Ding Yuanying is so financially strained he's selling his records, Rui Xiaodan feels complicated and decides to invite him for a meal as compensation. Feng Shijie, who owns a repair shop and is Ye Xiaoming's friend, hails from Wangmiao Village in a poor county and has always sought opportunities to alleviate his village's poverty. Ye Xiaoming hints that Ding Yuanying is a highly skilled individual, leading to an encounter between Feng Shijie and Ding Yuanying. In Ouyang Xue's restaurant, Rui Xiaodan is impressed by Ding Yuanying's knowledge and demeanor, causing a subtle shift in her feelings...