Ding Yuanying Takes on a Challenging Mission
Show: Tian Dao --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 6/1/2008
Runtime: 42
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Following Ding Yuanying's advice, Rui Xiaodan designs an interrogation plan for Wang Mingyang. During the lengthy and intense interrogation process, she resolves each challenge, but the success of the interrogation doesn't bring her joy; instead, it leads her into deep contemplation, resulting in an unbelievable decision. She asks Ding Yuanying for a "mythical" gift: to write a poverty-alleviation success story in the impoverished Wangmiao Village. Driven by his feelings, Ding Yuanying cannot refuse. He decides to visit Wangmiao Village to understand the situation from the villagers. Feng Shijie and Ye Xiaoming are overjoyed to receive guidance from Ding Yuanying.