Episode 27
Show: E.U. --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 3/24/2009
Runtime: 45
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: XIAO declares to YAN that there is another undercover in his gang. ZHONG follows KIU secretly and he discovers that KIU is meeting up with SUM. YOU asks MAN out. MAN arrives to discover that YOU wants to have marriage registration immediately. MAN rejects her and YOU leaves unhappily. YAN believes that the situation is getting dangerous and he asks MAN to hide away. YOU airs her grievances to SUM and SUM consoles her for she has a plan already. SUM asks XIAO to get married with her and leaves the gang. XIAO eventually agrees. BO tries her very best to encourage KIU and KIU finally decides to return to work. They return home to discover that SUM is going to marry XIAO and they are shocked. ZHONG goes to visit SUM angrily but he is actually coming to congratulate her.