Power vs Truth
Show: The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance --> Season: 1 - Miniseries
AirDate: 2/18/2004
Runtime: 55
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: After years of chaos, another Cosimo de’ Medici, a distant country relative of the original Medici line, is named Duke of Florence by the city’s council. But this Cosimo quickly abolishes the old systems of government, taking direct control of the city. To house his new administration, he commissions Giorgio Vasari to design the now famous Uffizi – offices for the Medici family. Vasari also writes a book, Lives of the Artists. It is the first attempt to crystallize the idea of the Renaissance – and extol the genius of the artists at its heart. After Cosimo’s death, a young scientist, Galileo Galilei, becomes private tutor to several generations of Medici sons. Supported by the family, Galileo pursues his scientific studies, improving upon the new invention of the telescope and helping to bring about the birth of modern astronomy. But his findings challenge Catholic doctrine, and he is summoned to appear before the Inquisition in Rome. Under pressure, the Medici withdraw their support for Galileo and he retracts his teachings. Unwilling to challenge the power of the Church, the Medici turn from the cultural revolution they helped create and become staunch defenders of the status quo. However, the flame of liberty that the Medici helped ignite will continue to burn, changing the world forever.