Fetus Infetu
Show: The Lance Krall Show --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 5/16/2005
Runtime: 30
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: In an attempt to raise money for his son's t-ball team, an evil boss with a horrifying deformity terrorizes his office workers. Lance, as Tron, prank calls a real advertisement director and outlines his ridiculous plan for a restaurant ad. Master Ken returns with advice on how to handle a mugging. A golfer's quest for a course record is thwarted by a bloodthirsty Ninja. A tender marriage proposal takes back seat to long fit of deja vu. Also featured: A first date that ends painfully, more jokes from Tron, a lonely lesbian searches for a friend in the park, a psychic reading goes too far when Chu Chi accuses an innocent bystander of being a murderer.