Journey into Blackness / The Cycle Gang / Dive to Disaster
Show: Super Friends --> Season: 5 - Super Friends - A Dangerous Fate
AirDate: 9/20/1980
Runtime: 60
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Journey into Blackness: While monitoring the galaxy from his impenetrable Fortress of Solitude, Superman notices a black hole that is going to suck up the Earth. Superman attempts to stop it, but gets himself pulled into the black hole. The Cycle Gang: The Highway Angels, a motorcycle gang, start tormenting a senior citizen and his grandson. When the Wonder Twins try to help they have a hard time dealing with the cycle gang and the danger at hand. Wonder Woman sees the twins and gives them assistance. Dive to Disaster: Several miles off the coast of Hawaii, a routine Navy mission becomes a nightmare when a submarine's controls short circuits and the nuclear reactor starts to overload. Black Vulcan and Aquaman try to help, but are attacked by nuclear mutated sea creatures.