Episode 90
Show: Agries Melisses --> Season: 2 - Season 2
AirDate: 2/10/2021
Runtime: 60
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: Myrsini does not intend to accept the divorce and leave the house without a fight Ν Nikiforos takes the reins of the cooperative while Miltiadis is angry that they did not listen to him. Konstantis and Droso struggle with what separates them, putting forward their love. Voskaris learns that he will go to trial and breaks out in Sofoula. But she still refuses Angelos' help. The Study removes Georgette from him while Annette urges him to have contact with his sister, Domna, but to keep it a secret. Everyone is next to Eleni who is looking forward to ending with Voskaris Μι Miltiadis proposes to Violeta but a fight between Meletis and Miltiadis will evoke unpleasant memories in everyone. Nikiforos brings a tough agreement with Ignatiadis to be signed.What will be the reaction of the members of the cooperative?