Episode 15
Show: The Fixer --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 8/28/2015
Runtime: 45
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: SHUM-PING and LUI LUI helps to paint the wall of Nature School. KEI KEI arrives to tell LUI LUI that WAH-PIK has resigned from her President and CEO position in the group. LUI LUI is very surprised. PING-ON visits her unconscious mother at the hospital and she decides to leave Hong Kong afterwards. She tells SHUM-PING how she has met LAW KANG. SHUM-PING asks LAW KANG to give him the corruption evidence of WAH-PIK but LAW KANG refuses to do so. LUI LUI returns home to prepare a rich dinner for her mother deliberately but they start a quarrel again. During the time, some ICAC Officers suddenly arrive and invite WAH-PIK to their office for investigation. WAH-PIK is released on bail and she visits FUNG-YEE at the hospital. She recalls their happy memories in the past. LUI LUI doesn't understand why her mother wants to give up everything. PAK SHUN explains everything to her……