Episode 13
Show: Raising The Bar --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 2/11/2015
Runtime: 45
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: With all the girls accompanying HO-YAN to conduct a site visit to the wedding venue, CHUNG-HANG, taking the advantage when HO-YAN is not around, asks TSZ-BOK to pick up CHING's phone call in his stead and lie for him. Seeing CHI-NGAI working out at the gym like crazy, CHUN-YIP assumes that it must have something to do with WAI-WAN, so he also mentions to him how he deals with the issues between him and CHEUK-TUNG. During lunch, CHING-CHI receives CHUI-FA's tips about how to lose weight, following which she alters the content a bit to make it appear as healthy living tips, and sends to TSZ-BOK in the name of BLACK ANGEL to trick him. In the case handled by ON-KUI and TAT-KAN, both the prosecution attorney and JUDGE HO think that the video is too blurry to be admissible evidence. However, ON-KUI insists to present it in court, making JUDGE HO feel so annoyed……