Episode 13
Show: Bet Hur --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 7/5/2017
Runtime: 44
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: OK BOY helps SIU-TUNG find the earrings she lost in the kitchen, making her feel very touched. SUP SAM MUI is asked by Mr. LAM to look for three lesser known yet priceless paintings, and she finds one of them. As to the second one, according to SUM-YIN, it belongs to one of her patients named TANG-TANG, who later gives it as a gift to SIU-TUNG. After SUP SAM MUI reveals to SUM-YIN that they still need the last ink painting of clouds, SUM-YIN replies that she has never seen it but she can probe into the matter for them. Just as TAI-PO gets so bored that he couldn’t find ways to pass time, YEUK-LAN suddenly pays a visit. After seeing YEUK-LAN, SIU-SAI immediately gets very jealous, thinking she is TAI-PO’s girlfriend. In a panic, TAI-PO instantly tells her that YEUK-LAN is his younger sister. MO-MING appears carrying some flowers. Mistaking him for one of SUM-YIN’s suitors, SIU-LUNG instantly turns hostile against him.… ...