Episode 31
Show: Bet Hur --> Season: 1 - Season 1
AirDate: 7/31/2017
Runtime: 44
Voting: 0 (0)

Overview: TINA asks TUNG-HOI about BROTHER SAUCY’s death, and TAI-PO asks him the same question; whereas TUNG-HOI not only denies having anything to do with it, but also indicates that there is only one person who can have BROTHER SAUCY killed without leaving any evidence. As requested, SIU-NAM goes to meet up with TINA, who hands her SIU-PAK’s engagement ring and tells her it’s YEUK-LAN’s will. BLOW WATER MAN receives a message that SIU-NAM is taken hostage by the TO clan, asking him to bring along LEUNG SIR and the evidence in exchange for her life. When BLOW WATER MAN tries to run away, he is severely beaten up by TO’s henchmen. SIU-TUNG is so desperate that she goes to look for MO-MING, to whom she claims to have found TO SHING’s medical record. While trying to convince her to wait for the right time, MO-MING out of the blue knocks her unconscious.… ...